China Evaluation Standard for Green Building Assessment and Qualification Evaluation Standard for Green Building is issued by Department of Construction, China, and jointly compiled by China Academy of Building Research (CABR) and Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences. Evaluation Standard for Green Building is compiled to evaluate residential housings, office buildings, and public buildings like shops and hotels, which includes 6 major standards in evaluating system: 1. Land-saving and outdoor environment 2. Energy conservation an energy utility 3. Water conservation and water resource utility 4. Material conservation and material recourses utility 5. Indoor environmental quality 6. Operating management (residential housings) and overall life cycle properties (public buildings) Specific indicators of the 6 standards are control terms, general terms, and favored terms. Control terms are necessary items for accreditating green buildings, and favored terms target at projects that face strict indicators and are difficult to realize. For a same subject, indicators corresponding to control terms, general terms, and favored terms can be proposed respectively in view of necessity and feasibility. According to how much they meet with general terms and favored terms, green buildings can be categorized as level I, II, III. 